Message from the Director

    Dear Students, Field education and graduate education programs in the field of educational sciences within Cumhuriyet University Institute of Educational Sciences provide opportunities for individuals to closely follow developments in their professional fields, to gain in-depth knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in a certain discipline, to expand their social environment and career development. The aim of our institute is to educate scientists or field experts who can take lifelong learning as a fundamental belief, identify problems in field education and educational sciences, solve the problems they have identified in a scientific perspective and produce alternative solutions and contribute to the field education and educational sciences with their graduate theses they prepared within the framework of scientific criteria. The success of our students is a measure of our success. As the staff of the Institute of Educational Sciences acting with this philosophy, working professionally without losing the amateur spirit, producing solutions for the problems in a short time, I invite individuals with broader horizons to study in the programs of our institute. I would like to express my pleasure and happiness in working together in your specialized life and contributing to the academic and professional development of our students. On this opportunity, I hope that you will have an education period full of success and peace.
Best regards...

© 2018 SiVAS CUMHURIYET UNIVERSITY, Graduate School of EducatIonal ScIences